What's in Store for 2024 with NEPK?

We have a lot planned for 2024! Our team is taking on more responsibilities, bigger goals, and higher expectations for our program. We are adding much-needed infrastructure to scale our classes and grow our presence in Omaha. New updates we have planned include:

  • Industry Leading Coach Training - training from the nation’s top leaders

  • New Equipment - vault boxes, wall holds, platforms, and possibly more

  • Right to Fair Wage - our coaches deserve what’s right

  • Ranking System - a formalized system to level up your students

  • Building Improvements - water fountain and other finished landlord work

  • More content - info for you to learn, as a student, parent, or practitioner

Industry Leading Coach Training

We brought in Jimmy Davidson and Christopher Hollingsworth from Motion Mentors to help revamp our program. You have already seen our new office setup, front desk staff, and processes. In addition to this and many unseen benefits, our staff went through 8-hours of communications training to understand and effectively implement the Logical Consequences Model, a method that transcends traditional coaching approaches. 

We gained invaluable insights to identify and address the most common types of misbehavior in students, employing a spectrum of eight distinct communication skills to navigate these challenges. Developing these skills will let us foster a more positive, empathetic, and effective learning environment. This approach will fine-tune our communication skills and empower us to turn every challenge into a growth opportunity whether we’re dealing with the nuances of non-verbal communication, striving to build a cohesive community within our gym, or looking to enhance the overall quality of your coaching.

New Equipment

We’ve doubled the number of bars to use in our gym. As we prepare these bars, expect to see a more integrated design between our obstacles and bar sets. In addition, we’re planning to add wall holds, wall platforms, and more vault boxes to make good use of our wall space and add variety to our gym. With greater success, we can add even more.

Right to Fair Wage

Our coaches are dedicated and have one of the most difficult jobs possible. Through their dedication to making sure we acquired a brick-and-mortar, became sustainable, and can even grow faster, they have accepted a wage lower than what we know they deserve. As part of our triple bottom line and our value to equity, we believe they have a right to fair wages and will be increasing their wage to what we know is right.

Ranking System

Come February, we will be posting our ranking system on our walls for students to see. While this will take some iterations to get right, students can begin to identify where they’re at and set goals in order to increase ranks and class levels.

Building Improvements

We’ve been waiting for the final projects in our gym to be completed including a finished entrance and the installation of a water fountain. These will make our team feel more comfortable and satisfied in their role while marking the completion of renovations in our gym.

More content

We’ve started a blog and you’re reading our first article! We’re going to be posting more engaging content, increasing our social media presence, sharing more material from other players in the industry, sending out more emails, and giving you the tools you need to know what’s going on.

Adding these to our gym will engage students and our coaches in ways we are excited about. Stay with us in 2024 and watch us grow through our add-ons, competitions, events, and support from our dedicated customers!